Carbon County Fair & Rodeo 2025

August 2 - August 9


99th annual Fair!

Carbon County Rodeo


PRCA Rodeo will once again be taking place in Rawlins!

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carbon county fair

Carbon County, Rawlins, Wyoming County Fair!

Welcome to the Carbon County Fair Web Site! The theme for our 99th  annual Fair is "Just Another Day in Fair-A-Dise!”  Our dates this year are August 2 , through August 9th.  The Carbon County Fair is  the most highly anticipated event of the summer in Carbon County. Fair Week includes a PRCA Rodeo,  Concert, Junior Livestock Shows, Team Roping, a Ranch Rodeo, Mutton Bustin’, Dummy Roping, Smooth Operator Contest, Food, Fun, and the week caps off with the Junior Livestock Sale.  Saturday is the Demolition Derby, which is always a packed house!   We pack as much as we can into a short amount of time!   The Carbon County Fair is our chance to showcase the  youngest members of Carbon County, Wyoming, through their 4-H and FFA Projects. These kids rock!  

Some events we are excited about 2024...   A PRCA Rodeo will once again be taking place in Rawlins!  Date for the Rodeo is Wednesday, August 6th, 2025.  Come watch some of the top cowboys and cowgirls in the Rocky Mountain Region compete in both Rough Stock and Timed Events.  Mutton Bustin' will also take place that night.  If you have a little Mutton Buster, they can sign up the night of the rodeo down at the arena. Tickets for the rodeo are available  at Eventbrite.com.  On Thursday, August 8th is the concert.  We are finalizing those details as we speak.   We are fortunate to have a great partnership with HF Sinclair, and Discover Carbon County to bring a concert of this type to the Carbon County Fair!   Tickets will be  available at Eventbrite.com.  This is going to be a memory making night under the Wyoming Summer Night Sky!  The Junior LIvestock Sale Buyer's Luncheon will be at noon on Friday, August 8th, and the Junior LIvestock Sale is slated to start at 1:00 p.m. that day. This is a great way to purchase some quality animals to fill your freezer!  The Demolition Derby will happen on Saturday, August 9th at 5:00 p.m.  This is always a great afternoon, and fills the grandstands!  Ticket sales for the Derby will go on sale June 1, 2025, at Eventbrite.com.  

If you are traveling, and need to overnight your four legged equine friends, please call the Fair Office at 307-328-7811. We’ll leave the light on for you!  We have a new Horse Barn for the equine travelers that is quite a nice place to overnight your horse!  They will thank you for it!  If you are pulling a trailer, use the 525  Harshman Street entrance, near the corner of Spruce Street and Harshman.  Don't listen to Google Maps and take the Rodeo Street Exit- the corners are a little tight for a large trailer.   It's $20 per night per horse, and if you would like to plug in your trailer, that is $20 also.  You can also reach us via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Safe Travels!

The Carbon County Fair Grounds are located between East Spruce & Daley Street and between Harshman & Rodeo Street in Rawlins, WY.


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Youth Exhibitor Guidlines

To show at the Carbon County Fair, a youth exhibitor shall be:

-In good standing with their organization; AND

-A resident of Carbon County; OR attend school in Carbon County; OR reside in Carbon County during Fair due to a court ordered custody arrangement; AND

-Subject to ownership deadlines, required weigh -in dates and other project requirements.

-Exhibitors that participated in the 2024 and preceding Carbon County Fairs and their immediate siblings shall raise and house all exhibited animals in the immediate care of the exhibitor.